Everyone says that in America, everything is bigger. That is an understatement! Most places a small soda is the same size as a big one in Denmark. And America is not only bigger in sizes but also in quantity. They have a lot of everything!
To sum up my last couple of months her, I will use key-words:
Introduction days to Venice Beach, Santa Monica, Hollywood and The Globe; the beach as much as possible; volleyball until my arms bruises; school; Sushi; Mickie Finnz; Bike trip to Venice Beach; San Diego; Skydiving; Halloween; Las Vegas; Los Angeles County Museum of Art; Hollywood sign; Car Accident; Twilight midnight premiere… aaaaarh, breath.
I must say, I’m living the dream. In 2 months I have experience some of the most crazy an memorable things in my life. Let’s take skydiving for example. Here’s a translated version of my earlier blog:
Elise is the first one to jump – and from where I sit, I can easily see her. I quickly squeeze her hand without knowing why, and a few seconds after she disappears. To see Elise almost fall out of an airplane is the moment I’m the most terrified. Only some seconds after is it my turn, and to move towards the exit feels like walking the plank. I sit down on my knees fasten to my instructor, Paul, who is way bigger and stronger than me – ergo, there’s no turning back.
I have wanted to skydive for a long time, so I took an spontanious decision to do it with EF. We came to Perris Valley Skydiving School and started by being divided into 2 groups and filling out some papers (that altogether was signing that we wouldn’t sue if we died – If I wasn’t nervous before, I definitely was after). After being geared up we got kicked on the plane which aimed for the 12500 feet (4 km). I have never been this scared in my life, but to jump out from an airplane resulted in the most amazing and insane experience of my life that I will remember the rest of my days. Because who will ever forget the feeling of flying?
Besides Skydiving, a memorable experience here in the states was Halloween. Thursday night was a yacht party in Newport Beach dressed as an Indian; Friday till Sunday was spend in Las Vegas and is on my list of most crazy weekends of my life; and Monday, the actual day of Halloween, was spend in Hollywood.
My week after the Halloween weekend was pretty quiet and calm – I need to gain some strength and energy. But even though I don’t always experience something wild and crazy, I still feel like I’m experiencing. My location, my everyday life, the school and the people around me makes every day different; no day will be taken for granted. I think it’s extremely important to appreciate every single day I have here, because even though 6 months sounds like a lot, the time passes by unbelievably fast.
To make new friendships here is so easy and I have already started to care about several people. I meet people who inspire me, people I’m jealous of and people who move me. The friendships I get here can’t be compared to anyone else. But at the same time it find really difficult to open up completely – because I know that some of them I will never see again. I try not thinking about it, because otherwise it would be impossible to live and enjoy life here. I’m trying to enjoy that I have the people around me right now.
Stay tuned…
Walk of fame |
Griffith's observatory |
Redondo Beach Pier |
Elise, Me and Marina |
Shopping in San Diego |
National Cemetery in San Diego |
Gill, Yoshi and I |
Skydiving team |
Girl on the beach |
Las Vegas |
Tommy, Yoshi, Marina and me |
California |
Hollywood Sign |
The Lanterns in front of LACMA |
Who said multicultural? |
Las Vegas |
Reflection |