After a well-earned day of rest on top of the thanksgiving dinner, some other students and I went to USC (University of Southern California) where our very own Bo attended college some years back. USC Trojans were meeting the rivals UCLA Bruins. We arrived 5 hours before the actual football match, and walked down the street where all the fraternities and sororities* were. It was exactly like walking into an American Pie movie – I was just waiting for Steve Talley** to run naked down the street. The houses were amazing (most of them at least) and it was obvious that mom and dad had money here. We walked towards campus where the mood was crazy – the party before the game is called tailgating, and I can’t compare it with anything else. Go home Danish soccer. By a coincidence Tommy and I met a guy and a girl (brother and sister) where the guy had studied in Denmark. When I told him that I was from Ølstykke he yelled: “You’re from Beerpiece???” Because that is actually what Ølstykke means. It was such a surreal and odd experience, since Ølstykke is a very small town, and most Danes don’t even know where it is.
After some hours of partying we walked to the Stadium, bought pulled-pork sandwiches (not as good as my dad’s!) and found our seats in the gigantic stadium – College football is not for fun! I only knew the basic rules, but it was still easy enough to follow. It was, in addition, actually the atmosphere and the people around me that made it such a huge experience. After a victory to USC (of course) we turned our faces towards home. Oh and by the way – Trojans kicked Bruins asses 50-0…
*Fraternities and sororities (from the Latin words frater and soror, meaning "brother" and "sister" respectively) are fraternal social organizations for undergraduate students. In modern usage, the term "Greek letter organization" is often synonymous, in North America, with the terms "fraternity" and "sorority" (wikipedia). I kender dem, Gamma beta kappa phi delta etc.
**Steve Talley is best known for his role as Dwight Stifler in American pie: the naked mile and American Pie: Beta house – and the Pepsi commercials of course.